Cruiser Street Stock Rules




  • Weight: Minimum 2800 lbs. with Driver After the Races  CRUSA Cars are welcome.   Quicksilver Sealed 383 Minimum 3000 lbs with driver after the race and  357 CT Motor is 2800lbs with driver after the race
  • Body: Stock Steel/Alum must look factory, Factory Floor pan and Fire wall in stock place. Quick steer ok . Ok cockpit. Skirts OK.
  • Carburetor: 362 CID HOLLEY 4412 500 CFM 2 BARREL. NO PORTING OR POLISHING, CHANGING OF BOOSTERS, OR ALTERING OF BASE PLATE AND THROTTLE SHAFTS IN ANY WAY. 500cfm, carb only must pass no gauges. 305 CID will be able to run 4 barrel no bigger than 650 carb will P and G each night if needed– 602 crate motor 650 carb no Bigger. New Quicksilver 383 CT and  357-CT Sealed Motor 650 cfm no bigger.
  • Chassis: Stock 4 point cage – 3 door bars on driver side
  • Engine: NO 400’s- 362 CID Limit, Flat top pistons only no Domes, Any intake, 5.7 rods only, Vortex heads ok (202 valve Max), Stock or Roller tip rockers- no roller cams.602 GM crate motor with 650 carb no bigger must pass no go gauge. Engine Setback: Stock or ball joint at #1spark plug. New Quicksilver Sealed 357CT  and  383CT is 650 no bigger
  • Engine protest: To check CID with pump gauge is $100.00, to pull head is $300.00, to look at rod $400.00 to see
  • Complete tear down is $600.00. Carb check is $50.00.  Track will keep half no matter of outcome.
  • He or she that makes the protest must be looked at first.
  • If you don’t take protest you are disqualified for the night no points and money.
  • Buy Rule is 602 Crate $5250, Quicksilver 357 CT $4750, and  383 CT is $5750.00  track keeps $250.00— the sale will be the way it come from the factor.
  • PROTEST POLICY. A driver filing a protest must immediately state so to the infield track official at the scales at the conclusion of the race – before leaving the track. They then have 10 minutes to pay the protest fee to the official. The driver is the only person allowed paying and it must be in cash. The car under protest will then be brought to the Claim Area and will be inspected. A driver making a claim must have taken the checkered flag in the same feature and his car must be in running condition, with in the top 3. For visual protests, a $60 fee is required. If the protest is upheld, $30 will be returned, $30 stays with the track. If the protest is NOT upheld, $30 goes to the driver under protest, $30 stays with the track and the protest is dropped Any party found illegal under the protest policy forfeits all prize money AND points for the night except show up points. If you don’t take protest you are disqualified for the night no points and money.
  • Fire Suit and Fire Extinguisher: Recommended and Mandatory
  • FRAMES:  NO New NESMITH After Market Tubular Frames
  • Fuel Cell: Must be secure with metal strapping and protected by a roll cage.
  • Headers: Headers ok, No 180 headers
  • Heads: If you have racing Heads you must run 2 barrel Carburetor and Weight is 3200 LBS on 362 build motor,
  • Ignition: HEI, MSD ok.
  • Rear End: Stock rear trailing arms, top may be shortened, floater ok no quick change.
  • Transmission: 3 or 4 speed or Automatic only- clutch must be 7” or bigger. Bert, Brinn and Falcon Transmission ok                 
  • Spoiler: 6” Max
  • Tires: Maximum 8 inches – Any tires / no mud grips
  • Shocks: Racing Spring and Shocks ok. Tubes A-arms ok upper only
  • 108” wheelbase min. – no max
  • Weight Jacks: ok
  • Wheel Base: 108” wheelbase min. – no max
  • Wheels: 8 inch maximum. Tires will be H500 or Any Ump open Wheel Tires
  • Fuel: Racing gas okay. No alcohol. e85 oK
  • Springs: Racing or stock in stock location.
  • Window Net: Optional
  • Mufflers: Optional unless made to use by the city
  • Seatbelts: No older than 3 years.
  • Brakes; stock must be 4 wheels no shut off switch for 3 wheels. Brake Adjuster ok
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